Tuesday, June 15, 2010


It was a lazy sunday morning, and the clock was lazily pointing 5 minutes to 9.00 a.m. Most of the kids in P&T colony were still in dreams, except Raju who was ready, taken bath, had the breakfast and ready for his favourite sunday morning show, "Mowgli". This particular day they showed Mowgli discovering the boomerang and playing with it.

Curious with the boomerang, Raju tugged his father who was also watching the show.

Paapa, does this really work ?

Yes beta, specially they are used by people in Australia.

Can I make one ?

Why not, It works on simple principles of aerodynamics........ One minute, reduce the volume, the phone is ringing.

Who was it, Raju's mom asked ?

It was Manilal, he wanted some money to help with his son's engineering admission. How can I help him ? I have so much other expenses these days. My home loan EMI is Rs. 25,000.

Raju shouted, Paapa really will you make it in such a way that when we throw it, it will come back to us after some time ??

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