Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Magical Expression

The year is 3020 .......

The Earth is now ruled by apes. The last families of humans were all bred in captivity. The Apes were perplexed by the strange behaviours of the humans and conducted lot of experiments on them. The biggest hindrance they faced was understanding the human language, which was pretty complex for them. Finally after lot of work, Rheamus, the Ape-scientist was able to map the human language with their language.

Rheamus ran towards the cage where he had a human family in captivity. When he reached there he saw that the guard was torturing the male with his magnetic stick. He observed the game for a while. Whenever the guard poked at the male, the human winced in pain. But whenever the female and the child cried, the male gave a strange expression. There was something magical in that expression. The female and the child would calm down on seeing this expression. Rheamus had not mapped this expression till now. Curious, now he summoned the guard to stop his game and push the male to his examination. Once again, the female raised her voice, causing the male to give the same expression again.

Rheamus asked in the new language he had decoded: Human, what is this expression that you give to your loved ones ?

Human: It is man's greatest gift. It is the only thing that saves us from the hard life on earth. In our language we call it Smile.

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