Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Shoots

Continued from "Flowers by the Window" posted on January 31, 2010.

It was true that Manoj spent a few sleepless nights thinking about the colours that he missed, but life did not allow him to think too much. Office work and other issues made him aloof of the things he lost. But yeah, there were moments of isolation when he closed his eyes and found darkness and when he opened his eyes, he found darkness again. On such days he would go to the window and caress the wilted flowers which have turned from pale red to pale white, almost translucent in the bright March sun. And slowly they peeled away, petal by petal leaving a skeleton behind. A memorial of the colourful days. Manoj stopped visiting his window.

It was time for the monthly cleaning. Manoj pulled down all the curtains and opened the window panes for cleaning. It was then that he spotted it. New shoots coming out

Fresh life was starting, without him realizing it. It was small and tender, but held lot of promise. And it was heading straight for his window! He was lost there dreaming in the bright Sun, woken up by the cries of his room-mate. "What happened" Manoj asked ? "My girlfriend and me had a bad fight and we broke off. We decided we will part ways and never meet each other again".

Dont Worry, Manoj said, "Very soon new shoots will spring up".

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