Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Chaukidaar

Once again, a relevant tale adapted from Vikram Betal.....

Sharan was the Chaukidaar in the patrol post in the outermost frontier of the country. There was hardly any activity in those high mountain ranges. Occasionally cries of migrational birds disturbed Sharan's sleep which was his favourite hobby.

During one of his siesta's Sharan saw a dream that the frontier was in heavy attack. The enemy across the border had sent a huge army, with the latest MIG's to cover the infantry. The border was too unprotected to handle such a heavy attack from the enemy. He woke up with a start. He checked his watch. It was 4.00 a.m. He ran to the watch tower and picked up his binoculars. No one around. But the dream haunted Sharan throughout the day. It made his restless. He thought of what his mother told him once. That dreams early morning are bound to get true.

He reported his dreams to the regional base post and the news spread to the center. The government launched spy drones in the area to track the movements of the enemy. The reports were really shocking. The drones reported heavy enemy movement near the border. A high alert was sounded and war preparations were in full swing. Meanwhile, Sharan was summoned to meet the Commander-in-Chief.

Commander-in-Chief: How did you come to know of the development ?

Sharan: I dreamt of it.

Commander-in-Chief: Good. You are awarded with Rs 5,00,000. Your information helped to avert a major danger to the country. Today we are prepared in advance to face their attack.

Sharan: Thank you Sir.

Commander-in-Chief: OK. The reward will be sent to your village in Hajipur.

Sharan: Hajipur ?

Commander-in-Chief: Yes, You are dismissed from Indian Armed forces from this very minute.

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