Friday, July 9, 2010

A Cup of Tea...........

I Thank my friend Nilesh Ghetiya for sharing this story with me......

The popularity of Professor Bandopadhyay's Classes was spreading all over the school. Professor Tripathy could not approve to the fact that someone can teach children philosophy in a science class. Determined to teach him a lesson, Professor Tripathi went to Professor Bandopadhyay's classroom.

The lecture had already started. Sensing that the class was in perfect silence and wrapped in attention, Professor Tripathi settled down at the last bench, awaiting a right moment to involve in a debate. He noticed that everyone was watching a glass bowl kept on the Teacher's table. Professor Bandopadhyay was sipping tea and he had asked Mukil to carefully empty a bag of tennis balls into the glass bowl. "What a fool", Professor Tripathi thought to himself. After the bowl was filled to the brim, Professor Bandopadhyay asked, "Is the bowl full"?. Professor Tripathi thought, "What a dumb question, Of course it is full". The students sensing a trick remained silent. Professor Bandopadhyay told, "There is always space for more" and then emptied a bag of marbles in the bowl. After emptying, Professor Bandopadhyay asked, "Is the bowl full"?. Now Professor Tripathi was careful, he could see the trick. He was sure that Professor Bandopadhyay was going to add more things. So he shouted, "There is room for more and I can see you are going to empty the bag of sand hidden behind you into the bowl". He was proud that he spoilt Bandopadhyay's class. Professor Bandopadhyay, said calmly, "Is the bowl full"?.

Now Professor Tiwari's mind started ticking. He searched around the room for another hidden bag, but couldnt find anything. Professor Bandopadhyay took the cup of tea and emptied into the bowl.

Shocked by what he saw, Professor Tripathi sat down on the bench. Bandopadhyay started speaking, "Do you feel, If I had started first by emptying the sand into the bowl, Would I had the space to accommodate the tennis balls"?

The Boy with Shiny eyes told, "No Sir, There would have been no space". Professor Bandopadhyay said, "Very Good. I see that you all have become very sensible and have understood that prioritization is very important. I want to explain that this bowl symbolizes your mind. Fill it with important and Good things, otherwise smaller, un-important things will occupy space and you will miss out on the important things". And then, he started picking up the bowl, indicating the end of his lecture.

"Wait", shouted Professor Tripathi, "You did not explain, the cup of tea". Smiling, Professor Bandopadhyay said, "Good Question. Does anyone in the class want to explain that" ?

The girl with black Bindi spoke, "Sir, It means, that whatever you fill your mind with; You should always have room for sharing a cup of tea with your friends".

After the class dispersed, the students saw Professor Tiwari sharing tea with Professor Bandopadhyay.

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