Friday, July 23, 2010

And it fell on his Head !

It was a rather hard day for the boy.

And why not, collecting fruits from the largest orchard in England could tire the best of athletes. But mental torture along with the running around can really drive anyone crazy. But today was exceptionally bad. His parents had told him that there is no more regular school for him, as they cannot afford it. The Boy was always interested in mathematics, and...... "Boy! If you do not complete 10 baskets of apples today, you will receive thrashing from me", the Butler shouted.

And the boy continued climbing trees. As he neared the last one, he saw an apple high up in the tree. He climbed on it. The fruit seemed to elude him, and he had to climb higher and higher. As he plucked the fruit, his gaze fell on the setting sun, in the far west. The hustle and bustle of the evening birds settling into their nests. The evening brought a gloom to his mind and he sat there, on the highest branch of the tree. Suddenly, his temper rose. "God you are so cruel to me", and he threw the largest apple in his hand towards God. He saw it rise high into the crimson sky, and strangely it seemed to come back again. Caught in a strange position and unable to move, the apple fell back right on his head. And he wondered why ?

"Boy!!!! ......... Isaac!!!", the Butler shouted, "What are you doing up there" ?

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