Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hereditery Reflections

Note: This Story is adapted from " Vikram Betal" collection. If the story resembles to anyone dead or alive, it is purely coincidental !

Raja Veermani of Kalinga was deeply in love with Neelakamalakshi the princess of Barcapur, despite the strained relations between the two states. One day Raja Veermani slipped anonymously into Barcapur and managed to release Neelakamalakshi who was under house imprisonment. On their way they had to pass through the deep woods and the mighty Mahanadi river. The horse used by Raja Veeramani was tired and as soon as they neared a village he decided to exchange it with a fresh one.

Your Majesty, there are only two horses available, the stable-person said. The young one you can exchange for free, whereas the older one, you have to pay 20 gold coins extra.

Raja Veermani, a avid student of economics was surprised at the strange pricing strategy and hence asked the stable-person to explain this. The stable-person replied, Your Majesty, the younger one will not cross the river, it is afraid, so you will have to take a longer route that will lead you to a bridge. The younger one's mother was afraid of water, hence this horse is also afraid of water too.

Raja Veermani pondered over this reply for a moment, and then bought the older horse. He took the route back to Neelakamalakshi's palace and dropped her there. They never met again.

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