Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Telescope

Mohit was a star-gazer. He spent most of nights alone, with his telescope watching the sky for stars. He found that the sky was the most reliable thing in life. The motion of the stars in the night sky followed a definite pattern. They never cheated him. Whenever he felt disturbed, he used to spend more time on his telescope, it brought great peace to him.

Then one night it happened, he saw a special star in the sky. It was brilliant! He checked all the maps that he had. None of them reported a star in that position. It was radiant, changing colors from deep red to orange. He was amazingly happy, he thought that this star was born only for him to see. He watched it for hours, the star draped itself with all the colors that he had known to exist. Is it a dream, he wondered, or is it ??? His heart skipped a beat. With hands full of fear, he moved his eyes from the eyepiece and moved towards the far end of the telescope. There he saw it. A small glistening piece of sparkle, that has flown in by air and settled on the lens of his telescope. He tore his hair, and in the next minute, smashed the telescope into pieces.

Several light years away, a nebula gave birth to a star. Only if Rohit had his telescope, he could have watched it ........

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