Monday, February 21, 2011

The Little Bird

Asif's fascination for birds never faded away. He loved all types of them. Even when studying, sometimes he used to peek through his window and gaze at the pretty birds playing near the mango tree. He always wished that he had a bird of his own.

One day Asif was playing marbles in the courtyard, when the beautiful little bird came chirping near the mogra shrub. Asif watched the bird curiously, and admired the beauty. It was small fat bird with blue freckles near its neck. It seemed to be aloof of Asif's presence, who now was squatted on the floor, watching it silently. The bird hopped from one shrub to other sucking at the nectar provided by little flowers. Asif now wished that he could have this lovely bird with him. Slowly he approached the little bird.

But alas it flew away, in search of a new flower.

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