Saturday, December 5, 2009


Baba: Mommy....waah.....waah.... I got hurt. Its bleeding. It pains!
Mommy: Dont worry, I will wash your wounds and then I will put band-aid on your wound. It has medicinal properties, so that it will heal your wounds faster.
Baba: Oh Mommy, that is so great!
Mommy: Not only does it heal you faster, it helps contamination from germs and kitaanu of the world!
Baba: Great!
Mommy: It is also water proof!
Baba: Amazing!!! I will stick it now.

2 days later.....

Baba: Mommy, my wound has healed, there is no more bleeding. I am feeling great!
Mommy: Great, remove that band-aid, you do not need it any more.
Baba: Really, do I have to do that, It has been my protector
Mommy: You do not need it anymore, its job is over. Throw it away.


  1. Pull up ur socks man..mayb one band aid on ur mouth wud be good

  2. thats deep ... ! and quite profound in a fairly simple way :)

    good one, keep writing.
