Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Lion King

In the jungle, the mightly jungle, the Lion sleeps tonight.............. ! Yes Sharan is the Lion, and he is sleeping. Life is beautiful for him in the jungle. He spends his days feeding on grass and cucumber and sings by the mountain air. Life is beautiful for him. But he has heard about the ferocious lions from his fellow-goats (Yes, he actually thinks that he is a goat!).

One day the lion attacks the herd of goat. Everyone runs helter-skelter, including Sharan. The attacking lion glowed in the bright sunlight, and moved towards the retreating Sharan. He corners him, surprised at the dumbness of Sharan.
He Roars, I am Ajay, the lion from Cuperdrola woods, what the hell were you doing among these goats ???
Sharan bleated feebly, Spare me oh great lion, please do not kill me.
Ajay roared.... a tremor ran through the forest. Baboon babies fell off from their mothers back. He roared again, you fool what are you afraid of ??
Sharan whispered , Of you, Oh great Lion
Ajay gave a ferocious laugh, and said your golden mane and strong paws are useless, you are a goat in a lions body.... Go away!

Self Imposed Imprisonment

On the other end of the Cuperdrola jungle lived a parrot named Rizwaan. Rizwaan was one of the most beautiful creatures created by God in the tropical forest. His body aerodynamically designed and eyes razor sharp to pick up any fish playing in the mincolite river. He was perfect. He housed himself in the slender Tine tree along with lot of other friends.

One monsoon, the weather blowed hard through the Cuperdrola forest. Everyone took their shelter in their homes. Rizwaan also clamped himself strongly to his favourite tree. He saw other trees being uprooted around him. As the wind picked up he clamped his claws deeper and deeper into the Tine tree. His friends starting vacating the slender Tine tree, but he remained firm on his favourite branch. The wind picked up further and now the tree started to shudder, but Rizwaan remained firm.

Few more minutes and the tree was uprooted and it fell crashing into the junlge floor along with Rizwaan. Next day Red-ants nibbled at the tender flesh on the forest floor.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


(Continuation of a previous post: Band-Aid & The Game of Cricket)

And, so the boy was growing. He played lot of games. And cricket was his favourite. He played lot of matches. Some he won, some he lost. Sometimes he got hurt in the games. And as adviced by his mommy and then later by his friends, he used band-aid to heal himself.

In one of the matches that he played, he was trying for a catch. He dived brilliantly towards his left and caught the ball mid-air. He was happy to do that. As he landed on the earth, his knees took the impact. He was taken to the hospital. The doctor dressed him in long tapes. After a week he was discharged, all his tapes now gone. On his way out, the doctor met him and said that, they have operated him with a metal knee cap, and that would stay with him, for the rest of his life.

He wondered , A band-aid that I have to wear throughout my life ?? Band-AGE !

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


HanuMAN was mischievous in his childhood, and sometimes teased the meditating sages in the forests by snatching their personal belongings and by disturbing their well-arranged articles of worship. Finding his antics unbearable, but realizing that HanuMAN was but a child, the sages placed a mild curse on him by which he became unable to remember his own ability unless reminded by another person. The curse is highlighted in Kishkindha Kanda and Sundara Kanda when Jambavantha reminds HanuMAN of his abilities and encourages him to go and find Sita. The specific verse that is recited by Jambavantha is :

पवन तनय बल पवन समाना बुद्धि विवेक विज्ञान निधाना कवन् सो काज कठिन जग माही जो नहि होय तात तुम्ह पाहीं

Rough translation:
You are as powerful as the wind;
You are intelligent, illustrious & an inventor.
There is nothing in this world that’s too difficult for you;
Whenever stuck, you are the one who can help.

Courtesy: Wikipedia (No text changed !!)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Spiritual Slave

The Lord: Eshtappan is my favourite disciple.
Narad: Who is that ?? Is he a saint ? A sincere priest ?
The Lord: No, None of these.
Narad: I am puzzled my Lord.....Please be kind enough to explain, My Lord.
The Lord: You will find the answer, if you carry this magical vase of sacred water across the 7 worlds, without spilling a single drop!
Narad: Of course, I am leaving at once!

After the long journey......
Narad: I have completed the task perfectly.....
The Lord: Ok, so you are ready to receive the answer now. Come lets visit Eshtappan.

Down on Earth, two insignificant bees patrol Esthappan's rented room......and monitor his daily activities. Esthappan is woken up by his alarm clock every morning, 20 minutes before his company bus arrives. He takes a quick shower, chooses an pair of used clothes and rushes to office. On the way, Eshtappan runs an eye across an open window. There he sees the Lord. He mutters a silent word of respect (Krishna....), and continues his brisk walk towards his workplace. The rest of the day is spent in a centrally air-conditioned building, where he slogs till its dark. At the end of the day he gathers his body and drags it back home. On the way back, he looks eagerly towards the window. It is closed, but he still offers his silent word of respect (Krishna...). Back home he sacks himself to his bed, only to be waken up by the alarm clock.

The smaller bee whimpers in complain, He is just an Nerd-Engineer working for an MNC. He is a slave to America. He does not know any matras, doesnt even go to the temple. The large bee replies....." When you crossed the 7 worlds, how many times did you remember me ?"

The bees buzz towards their heavenly abode.


Baba: Mommy....waah.....waah.... I got hurt. Its bleeding. It pains!
Mommy: Dont worry, I will wash your wounds and then I will put band-aid on your wound. It has medicinal properties, so that it will heal your wounds faster.
Baba: Oh Mommy, that is so great!
Mommy: Not only does it heal you faster, it helps contamination from germs and kitaanu of the world!
Baba: Great!
Mommy: It is also water proof!
Baba: Amazing!!! I will stick it now.

2 days later.....

Baba: Mommy, my wound has healed, there is no more bleeding. I am feeling great!
Mommy: Great, remove that band-aid, you do not need it any more.
Baba: Really, do I have to do that, It has been my protector
Mommy: You do not need it anymore, its job is over. Throw it away.

The Game of Cricket

I stood there watching, silently as ever, as the wickets fell one by one. The last wicket had displayed a spirited performance. But alas, it could not deny the destinity of life. This match is over. Losing a test match after long hours of toil is heart-breaking, but the game must go on. The series has not ended.The next match will be played in a new ground. New pitch, new strategy and new game-plan.

Of course, this is not the only series thats going on. In the neighbouring countries too, matches are going on, some Test matches, some one-dayers and even some 20-20's.

The Board of control for cricket is not worried about the amount of cricket being played. And it is also not worried about the fact that umpires are themselves failed players of the game! It is the destiny of nations to keep playing. It is the utlimate game of survival. The game of cricket.