Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jaadu ki Jhappi

Wake up Asif !!

Asif looked up to see himself in his Abbu's arms. It has been a long while since he felt this warmth. "What happened to you, Asif-beta ? You were the most positive lad I ever knew. You are far better than any of your peer group. You are even better than me." Asif was still silent, his eyes were tired, failing to make proper eye-contact.

Slowly, Asif told, "I have lost everything that I earned that I worked for over the years. I lost everything I wanted. Is there no value of my good intentions ? Is there no value of hard work and sincerity. Is God so cruel ?" Abbu said, "No beta, It is just a bigger test that you are facing. Human life is full of such tests, and as long as you are not compromising on your values and integrity, you are doing pretty well. Remember one thing, you live for a purpose, as long as that is not achieved, don't give up".

Asif woke up from his sleep with a start, looked around to see no one, but he could still feel the warmth on his chest.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Once again a tribute to J.K. Rowling

"Why does Professor always open up the Harry Potter books " ? she whispered.

Professor Bandopadhyaya heard this, but was not bothered much. He continued the chapter on Horcruxes. "The author has replaced love with the word magic at several places, and this is true for the act of creating Horcruxes too. The author is trying to convey the message that a person distributes portions of his soul by the relations he makes. The deeper the relation the more you distribute. It is a very complex phenomenon. The worst you could do is to fall in love and split your soul into exact two pieces. That is a very terrible thing to do, but then it has its joys too".

The girl with the black bindi asked meekly," Professor, then what happens when people split up" ?

The professor smiled, "I am afraid you asked this question my girl, never-the-less it is a good question! You can only split your soul. There is no way to regain that part. Once lost, its lost forever".

A deep silence had gripped the classroom....

Monday, March 26, 2012


He was as usual going back from work, cribbing over the ever-increasing work load, tax slabs and increment.

The hooded man came in silently and sat next to him. He remained aloof of him for some time. Only did after some time he realize that the man was trying to type something in his old mobile phone, which seemed older than him. He felt his new smartphone in his pocket and heaved silently. I am definitely well-off than him, he thought to himself.

When the conductor came, he pulled out a 100 Rs note for 25 rupees ticket, whereas the hooded man pulled out coins from his pocket and counted change for 20 rupees. "Next to the college stop", he muttered silently. He turned to me and said, "My son has got a merit seat in this college, I am going for his term fees payment".

He observed the hooded man get down from the bus,outside a mirror-finish college, and the old man walking past the gate, into a small building. He imagined that some day this man's son will pass out from this place, and probably drive out from this gate in a BMW, while he will still be still looking out from his AC bus......


" So why don't you talk to her any more ? You don't hate her, do you ?", Anwar asked him.

"After years of being together, you still don't know me. Do you ? I do not carry hate with me. My feelings for her can never turn to hate. It will always be there, like a peepal leaf in an old book. I know she does not like me, but that does not matter to me", Asif replied.

Anwar said, "Well then whats the use of keeping this old petal in your book ? You can discard it. You will find a new love".

Asif replied slowly, "That's how you see it. It is love for you. But when you love a stone, its called worship".