Saturday, November 12, 2011


"Dont worry, It will be over soon", Dr. Paresh said.

Asif was on the operation bed, scared to the core. No one would have thought that a game of cricket could have brought the kid to this state. Cataract due to trauma was the medical term described by the Doctors. The eye lens is a soft object, which can harden due to trauma, i.e. a physical injury. In this case Asif was unfortunate to have been hit by a cricket ball on his left eye. The Trauma slowly hardened his eye lens. Finally the soft eye lens turned into a hard mass, making him half-blind. Dr. Paresh would replace the hard mass with an artificial lens. He was brought back to present by a needle pressed below his left eye. He gripped the sides of the table to control the pain.

He couldn't understand how much time had gone but when he woke up, he could only open his right eye and the left eye was bandaged. He found Dr. Paresh standing next to him, smiling. The Cataract has been removed successfully he said.

Asif's right eye looked at the Doctor, he wanted to ask him something. He was happy that the cataract of his eye has been removed, but what about his heart. Can that be removed and replaced ?